All Webinars are available at custom dates and times for groups of 2 Attendees and above
Contact Us to request specific dates and times

ISO for Shipping – Internal Auditor for ISO SERIES: 9001, 14001, 45001
The Webinar focuses on the application of main ISO Management Systems Standards in the shipping industry, focusing on the added value provided in shipping companies' management systems. The final part of the Webinar is devoted to internal audits and planning, conducting follow-up auditing activities along with analysis of auditor techniques and appropriate audit methods. The Webinar is delivered by one of the most experienced and well-referenced Instructors on the subject, Mr. Constantinos E. Avtzigiannis.

TMSA & OCIMF – Internal Auditor
The Webinar focuses on the implementation of TMSA 3 requirements. It includes an introduction of the main reasons that led to the necessity of creating specific tanker industry standards on top of the statutory requirements. Additionally, TMSA 3 is analysed by presenting relevant examples. The final part of the Webinar is devoted to internal audits and planning, conducting follow-up auditing activities along with analysis of auditor techniques and appropriate audit methods. The Webinar is delivered by one of the most experienced and well-referenced Instructors on the subject, Mr. Constantinos E. Avtzigiannis.

ISPS Code – Internal Auditor
The Webinar provides participants with the required knowledge to enable them to take on the duties and responsibilities as defined in the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS). Possible measures to comply with maritime security requirements are discussed and proposed through many practical examples. The Webinar is delivered by one of the most experienced and well-referenced Instructors on the subject, Mr. Constantinos E. Avtzigiannis.

The Webinar, through a modern and updated syllabus, addresses issues such as, what is meant by the term leadership, which are the core theories behind leadership today, what are the modern Leadership Styles, and Current trends for appropriate occasions and tasks? The issues of Leadership and Management are addressed in detail, with many interactive workshops assisting attendees to gain a deeper understanding of the theory and the practical implications of Leading teams and people in the modern demanding environment.

The maritime community standards require that any person conducting training of seafarers, which leads to a certificate being issued, is appropriately trained. The Webinar aims to provide a useful introduction for those with limited teaching experience and introduce new approaches or serve as a reminder of skills and techniques for those who have been teaching for some time. It is not intended to provide a full course of trainee and instructor training. The Instructor, Mr. Demetrios Paliatsos, is a retired Hellenic Navy Vice Admiral who served at all hierarchy grades and duties in several Ships and Hellenic Navy Commands, a Monterey Postgraduate University Bd/Md holder in Systems Engineering, and a qualified Navigation Assessor by the Naval Institute of England. He has served as a Security Branch Director for NATO Installations and Harbors.

The Webinar delivers the core knowledge required to understand the causal factors leading to an accident, collate the required information, and compile an investigation report with recommendations for improving safety. The course is essential for all Managers, DPA’s – CSO’s, Safety & Quality Managers, and Shipboard Officers. It aims to explain to attendees the necessary and regulatory requirements and to provide the methodology and principles for conducting an incident investigation and analysis, in accordance with IMO Model Course 3.11, ISM Code, TMSA Elements 3A, 8, 8A and TOTS Modules 1A, 1B. The Instructor, Mr. Demetrios Paliatsos, is a retired Hellenic Navy Vice Admiral who served at all hierarchy grades and duties in several Ships and Hellenic Navy Commands, a Monterey Postgraduate University Bd/Md holder in Systems Engineering, and a qualified Navigation Assessor by the Naval Institute of England. He has served as a Security Branch Director for NATO Installations and Harbors.

The Webinar aims to inform and raise awareness to the attendees about the requirements of the General Regulation for the Processing of Personal Data - Regulation 2016/679, its practical implications, the risks of "Non-Compliance", its obligations and responsibilities. The Webinar focuses on the most difficult topics, providing practical solutions, tips, and answers at all levels so that attendees are capable of being fully compliant with the new European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), avoiding fines in case of inspections. The Instructor, Mr. Demetrios Paliatsos, is a retired Hellenic Navy Vice Admiral who served at all hierarchy grades and duties in several Ships and Hellenic Navy Commands, a Monterey Postgraduate University Bd/Md holder in Systems Engineering, and a qualified Navigation Assessor by the Naval Institute of England. He has served as a Security Branch Director for NATO Installations and Harbors.

The Crisis Management Webinar aims at preparing attendees for crisis incidents, by ensuring their rapid and adequate response, while at the same time teaching them how to maintain clear lines of reporting and communication during the event and after the recovery from the incident. The Instructor, Mr. Demetrios Paliatsos, is a retired Hellenic Navy Vice Admiral who served at all hierarchy grades and duties in several Ships and Hellenic Navy Commands, a Monterey Postgraduate University Bd/Md holder in Systems Engineering, and a qualified Navigation Assessor by the Naval Institute of England. He has served as a Security Branch Director for NATO Installations and Harbors.

The Webinar provides participants with the required knowledge to enable them to take on the duties and responsibilities as defined in the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS). Possible measures to comply with maritime security requirements are discussed and proposed through many practical examples. The Instructor, Mr. Demetrios Paliatsos, is a retired Hellenic Navy Vice Admiral who served at all hierarchy grades and duties in several Ships and Hellenic Navy Commands, a Monterey Postgraduate University Bd/Md holder in Systems Engineering, and a qualified Navigation Assessor by the Naval Institute of England. He has served as a Security Branch Director for NATO Installations and Harbors.

The Webinar covers the TMSA 3 aims, benefits, and key requirements for implementation purposes. It provides attendees with the fundamental knowledge in managing TMSA 3 processes, in line with the latest requirements. A must for all personnel involved in the implementation of TMSA 3. The Instructor, Mr. Demetrios Paliatsos, is a retired Hellenic Navy Vice Admiral who served at all hierarchy grades and duties in several Ships and Hellenic Navy Commands, a Monterey Postgraduate University Bd/Md holder in Systems Engineering, and a qualified Navigation Assessor by the Naval Institute of England. He has served as a Security Branch Director for NATO Installations and Harbors.

Due to the increasing use of Information Systems with embedded software on-board vessels, Cyber Security is now crucial not only for data protection purposes but also for the safety of a Ship's & Company’s operations. The Webinar trains the crew and Company personnel on the importance of Cyber Security risks, and methods of preparedness as well as effective measures both on-board and ashore. The Instructor, Mr. Demetrios Paliatsos, is a retired Hellenic Navy Vice Admiral who served at all hierarchy grades and duties in several Ships and Hellenic Navy Commands, a Monterey Postgraduate University Bd/Md holder in Systems Engineering, and a qualified Navigation Assessor by the Naval Institute of England. He has served as a Security Branch Director for NATO Installations and Harbors.

The Webinar aims at training officers in charge of a navigational watch, on the basic theory and use of ECDIS for maintaining the safety of navigation. Management of operational procedures, system files, and data for assisting command decision-making are covered in detail. The Instructor, Mr. Demetrios Paliatsos, is a retired Hellenic Navy Vice Admiral who served at all hierarchy grades and duties in several Ships and Hellenic Navy Commands, a Monterey Postgraduate University Bd/Md holder in Systems Engineering, and a qualified Navigation Assessor by the Naval Institute of England. He has served as a Security Branch Director for NATO Installations and Harbors.

The Webinar aims at reducing the number of errors in the Ship Bridge environment, as well as their consequences by focusing on the human factor element. Furthermore, it aims at ensuring safety on board by improving deck officers’ ability to manage crisis and emergency situations. A must for ship personnel and deck officers. The Instructor, Mr. Demetrios Paliatsos, is a retired Hellenic Navy Vice Admiral who served at all hierarchy grades and duties in several Ships and Hellenic Navy Commands, a Monterey Postgraduate University Bd/Md holder in Systems Engineering, and a qualified Navigation Assessor by the Naval Institute of England. He has served as a Security Branch Director for NATO Installations and Harbors.

The Webinar presents to Attendees fundamental concepts of a career path in the Shipping Industry. It addresses key questions such as what is a Shipping Company, what is the structure of a Shipping Company, how do I apply for a job position and what to look for, how do I structure my CV and what should I highlight, do I need a cover letter and why, what should I include, what is the role of the HR department within Shipping Company?. The Webinar provides valuable information and advice, for all new entrants in the shipping industry as well as people looking for a better career within the sector. The Instructor is a multi-year experienced HR specialist in the Shipping Industry.

This Webinar focuses on the application of the MLC 2006 by creating and maintaining a basic documented system. An introduction of the main reasons that led to the necessity of creating the Convention is presented, along with a detailed interpretation of the Convention's requirements. The last part includes guidelines and suggestions regarding the efficient maintenance of MLC requirements and the internal inspections, required on prescribed intervals to achieve the required efficiency. The Webinar is delivered by one of the most experienced and well-referenced Instructors on the subject, Mr. Constantinos E. Avtzigiannis.

ABS Certified. The Webinar focuses on the application of the ISM Code (1998) as revised in 2015. It includes an introduction of the main reasons that led to the necessity of creating the code, and a review of the code's requirements, as developed over the years. Additionally, the revised code is presented, with reference to the interpretation of risk assessment requirements of the code. The final part of the Webinar is devoted to internal audits and planning, conducting follow-up auditing activities along with analysis of auditor techniques and appropriate audit methods. The Webinar is delivered by one of the most experienced and well-referenced Instructors on the subject, Mr. Constantinos Avtzigiannis.

The Webinar aims to introduce Attendees to the world of Global Shipping markets, by covering all major aspects of the business, starting from Global trade flows and maritime routes up to Ship sales and purchases as well as demolition markets. It is a practical Tour-de-Force for everyone interested in understanding the essential parts of the Global Shipping Markets. A must both for new entrants in the Shipping Markets and professionals from other faculties looking to attain a ground-level understanding of Shipping.

The Webinar provides Attendees with the ability to: a) Understand the Legislative Framework within which MOUs operate, b) Identify deficiencies recorded on-board ships by PSC inspectors, c) Make use of statistical data from the main MoU’s, d) Analyze case studies, and Understand the necessary action plans in order to maintain a ship in full compliance within the requirements of ISM Code, ISPS Code, STCW 2010, MLC 2006. The Webinar is delivered by one of the most experienced and well-referenced Instructors on the subject, Mr. Constantinos Avtzigiannis.